QC and Machine Shop Measuring For Beginners

When it comes to measuring for CNC beginners, we’re going to focus on the two most common measuring tools: the micrometer and calipers. 

We’ve got picks for finding a good quality measuring tool and instructions for how to take care of it once you have it. 

Finally, we have info on blueprints because you can’t measure it if you don’t know what you are measuring. Skip to the bottom for your blueprint guides.

Types of Machine Shop Measuring Tools

Intro to Micrometers

an icon with a micrometer

Micrometers come in many shapes in sizes. We lay out the most common types and how to use them.

How to Read Mics

an icon with a magnifying glass and a micrometer

Learning to read a micrometer can be tricky. Our foolproof guide makes taking measurements easy.

Intro to Calipers

an icon with a caliper

Find out what calipers are good at and learn about the different types of calipers available.

How to Read a Dial Caliper

an icon with a magnifying glass and a caliper

Dial calipers don’t have to be hard to read. We walk you through taking a measurement.

Micrometers vs Calipers

an icon with a caliper vs a micrometer

Learn what sets the two most common machine shop measuring tools apart. Includes tips for picking the right measuring tool for the job.

Measuring Tool Recommendations

Best Micrometers

an icon with a micrometer

When it comes to micrometers, accuracy matters a lot. Don’t end up with a tool that gives bad readings.

Best Digital Calipers

a digital caliper icon on a blue background

One of the most used measuring tools in a machine shop. We pick the best digital calipers for everyday use.

Tool Calibration Guides

Mic Calibration Guide

an icon with a micrometer and a check mark

Micrometers are incredibly accurate tools. Make sure that precision instrument is giving accurate measurements by calibrating it. 

Caliper Calibration Guide

an icon with a caliper and a check mark

We lay out all the steps needed to calibrate your calipers with plenty of photos to walk you through the process.

More Measuring Resources

Blueprint Reading

a blueprint icon on a blue background

Before you measure it, you need to know what you are measuring. Learn to read engineering drawings with tips for avoiding some of the common mistakes.

GD&T Symbols

True Position Blueprint GD&T Symbol target

There are a limited number of GD&T symbols used. Find the complete list here with links to other types of blueprint symbols you might come across.

Machine Shop Math

Talk Like a Machinist

an icon of two people talking

Learn to speak like a machinist and work with the numbers and values you will find on engineering blueprints.

Shop Math Guide

math symbols on a blue background

What kind of math do you need to know to work in a machine shop? Spoiler: It’s less than you think